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MUNICIPALITY OF THE DISTRICT OF LUNENBURG, NOVA SCOTIA – In April of 2023, the Municipality of the District of Lunenburg (MODL) began developing new land use regulations that would impact how development occurs along our coast.

Since this time, MODL Council and staff have engaged with the community and experts to shape these regulations. The regulations are intended to protect development on the coast from the effects of climate change and to protect the coast from human development by addressing concerns such as coastal erosion, flooding, and the preservation of sensitive ecosystems.

At a Special Council meeting on Tuesday, June 18, 2024, Council passed the Second Reading to amend MODL’s Municipal Planning Strategy and introduce a revised Municipal Planning Strategy and a new Municipal-Wide Land Use By-law that includes coastal protection regulations. These regulations are now in effect.

"Today marks a significant step forward in safeguarding our coastal communities for future generations," said Mayor Carolyn Bolivar-Getson. "These new coastal regulations reflect our commitment to addressing the challenges of climate change and ensuring that our coastlines remain resilient and protected. We have worked closely with our residents and experts to develop these regulations, and their input has been invaluable in shaping a sustainable future for the Municipality of the District of Lunenburg."

Information about this project, including the new Land Use By-law, can be found at pdf A backgrounder with highlights of important changes is attached (516 KB) .


Media contact:

Sarah Kucharski
Manager, Corporate Services & Communications
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(902) 541-1328