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For a list of MODL policies, click  pdf List of Policies. (483 KB)  

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MODL Policy 001 Proceedings of the Council ( pdf, 281 KB )
MODL Policy 002 Committees ( pdf, 153 KB )
MODL Policy 003 Remuneration & Councillor Expenses ( pdf, 218 KB )
MODL Policy 004 Non Council Appointments and Honorariums ( pdf, 357 KB )
MODL Policy 005 Administration ( pdf, 31 KB )
MODL Policy 006 Loan Guarantees for Community Organizations ( pdf, 109 KB )
MODL Policy 007 Dangerous and Unsightly Property Amended 10 13 2015 docx ( pdf, 486 KB )
MODL Policy 008 Records Management and Destruction ( pdf, 49 KB )
MODL Policy 009 Payment of Taxes by Instalments ( pdf, 66 KB )
MODL Policy 010 Request for Capital Expenditure ( pdf, 124 KB )
MODL Policy 011 Deputy Mayor ( pdf, 534 KB )
MODL Policy 012 Tax Exemption Reduction ( pdf, 286 KB )
MODL Policy 015 Land Use By-law Violations ( pdf, 85 KB )
MODL Policy 016 Development Agreement Inspections and Violations ( pdf, 90 KB )
MODL Policy 019 Reimbursement of Educational and Training Expenses of Council Members ( pdf, 74 KB )
MODL Policy 020 Investment Policy ( pdf, 13 KB )
MODL Policy 022 Tax Relief for Fiscal Year 2002/2003 ( pdf, 62 KB )
MODL Policy 023 Municipal Flag Protocol ( pdf, 2.79 MB )
MODL Policy 026 System of Municipal Fire Inspections ( pdf, 665 KB )
MODL Policy 027 Heritage Property ( pdf, 679 KB )
MODL Policy 028 Funeral Protocol ( pdf, 101 KB )
MODL Policy 031 Intersection Street Light ( pdf, 167 KB )
MODL Policy 032 Enforcement Policy ( pdf, 345 KB )
MODL Policy 033 Purchasing and Tendering ( pdf, 936 KB )
MODL Policy 034 Pro-ration of Sewer Area Rates ( pdf, 57 KB )
MODL Policy 035 Street Lights ( pdf, 664 KB )
MODL Policy 036 Fire and Emergency Services ( pdf, 614 KB )
MODL Policy 037 Code of Conduct ( pdf, 261 KB )
MODL Policy 038 Public Presentations to Council & Committees of Council ( pdf, 223 KB )
MODL Policy 041 Addressing Payment From General Revenues for Street Intersections in Street Light Areas ( pdf, 101 KB )
MODL Policy 042 Acts of Bravery and Achievement Awards ( pdf, 500 KB )
MODL Policy 043 Community Grants Program Sponsorship Requests ( pdf, 592 KB )
MODL Policy 044 Distribution of Compost Carts ( pdf, 244 KB )
MODL Policy 045 Salary Administration ( pdf, 744 KB )
MODL Policy 046 Credit Card ( pdf, 180 KB )
MODL Policy 047 Tangible Capital Assets ( pdf, 361 KB )
MODL Policy 048 Designated Community Project Fund ( pdf, 1.30 MB )
MODL Policy 049 Property Tax Rebate ( pdf, 1.77 MB )
MODL Policy 050 Business Continuity Plan Policy ( pdf, 756 KB )
MODL Policy 051 Personnel Policy ( pdf, 400 KB )
MODL Policy 052 Occupational Health & Safety ( pdf, 530 KB )
MODL Policy 053 Comfort Centre Generator Funding ( pdf, 1023 KB )
MODL Policy 054 Baby Family Friendly ( pdf, 327 KB )
MODL Policy 057 Donation of Land ( pdf, 346 KB )
MODL Policy 058 Fees ( pdf, 566 KB )
MODL Policy 059 Smoke Free Outdoor Spaces ( pdf, 409 KB )
MODL Policy 061 Healthy Eating ( pdf, 425 KB )
MODL Policy 062 Capital Debt Policy ( pdf, 467 KB )
MODL Policy 065 Divestiture of Surplus Land ( pdf, 166 KB )
MODL Policy 066 Public Engagement ( pdf, 4.25 MB )
MODL Policy 067 Clean Energy Financing Program Clean Energy Upgrade Standards ( pdf, 284 KB )
MODL Policy 068 Clean Energy Financing Program Lending Rate ( pdf, 240 KB )
MODL Policy 069 Antenna Siting ( pdf, 573 KB )
MODL Policy 070 Procedure for the Award of a Certificate of Recognition to Businesses & Community Groups Supporting Fire Services ( pdf, 1.17 MB )
MODL Policy 071 Revenue Collection ( pdf, 73 KB )
MODL Policy 072 LaHave River Wastewater Management District Cost Recovery ( pdf, 603 KB )
MODL Policy 073 LaHave River Straight Pipe Replacement Program ( pdf, 702 KB )
MODL Policy 074 Unsightly Premises Clean up Assistance Program ( pdf, 379 KB )
MODL Policy 075 Road Improvement ( pdf, 376 KB )
MODL Policy 076 Signing Authority ( pdf, 483 KB )
MODL Policy 077 Gifts & Hospitality ( pdf, 304 KB )
MODL Policy 078 Subdivision Application Form (part of Subdivision By-law ( pdf, 321 KB )
MODL Policy 079 List of Existing Private Schedule B Roads ( pdf, 772 KB )
MODL Policy 080 Minimum Lot Sizes for Lots with Central Sewer ( pdf, 417 KB )
MODL Policy 081 Subdivision Approval Notice Form ( pdf, 290 KB )
MODL Policy 082 Application Form for Repeal of Subdivision ( pdf, 319 KB )
MODL Policy 083 Repeal of Subdivision Notification Form ( pdf, 294 KB )
MODL Policy 084 General Specifications and Design Requirements for Water & Sewer Systems ( pdf, 681 KB )
MODL Policy 085 Municipal Road Design and Construction Standards ( pdf, 1.54 MB )
MODL Policy 086 Stopping Sight Distance Chart.pdf ( pdf, 311 KB )
MODL Policy 087 Standard Details for Public Roads and Private Designed Roads ( pdf, 391 KB )
MODL Policy 088 Areas Where New Public Roads Are Permitted ( pdf, 153 KB )
MODL Policy 089 Video Surveillance ( pdf, 301 KB )
MODL Policy 090 Planning Advisory Committee ( pdf, 987 KB )
MODL Policy 091 Dealing with Difficult Customers ( pdf, 188 KB )
MODL Policy 092 Complaints Handling ( pdf, 213 KB )
MODL Policy 093 Temporary Water Relief ( pdf, 836 KB )
MODL Policy 094 Fire Scene Security ( pdf, 154 KB )
MODL Policy 095 Asset Retirement Obligations ( pdf, 920 KB )
MODL Policy 096 Hydrant Charge (Effective April 1, 2024) ( pdf, 604 KB )
MODL Policy 097 Anti Idling Policy ( pdf, 636 KB )
MODL Policy 098 Recreation Subsidy Program ( pdf, 564 KB )
MODL Policy 099 Grant Disclosure ( pdf, 681 KB )