The Municipality has supported the NS Active Smarter Kids Project since its inception in 2018. Currently, the Nova Scotia ASK Project is busy providing professional development and support for teachers across Nova Scotia in Physically Active Learning (PAL) methods.
PAL is an engaging, inclusive and active teaching/learning method in which teachers incorporate simple and active games and activities into the review of academic material. Nova Scotia ASK lessons happen primarily outdoors, and teachers in our municipality have incorporated math, science, and language arts curricula into their ASK lessons.
Please visit the NS ASK Project's Website here or visit YouTube to learn more about this fun, health-promoting teaching method:
Students love ASK lessons and teachers report seeing a broad range of benefits for their students, including increased physical activity, time-on-task, and engagement with curriculum.
To watch examples of NS ASK Lessons please visit the project’s YouTube page:
For more information on the NS ASK Project, please contact Britt Vegsund, NS ASK Project Lead:
- (902) 212-0474 (cell)