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Changes to the Heritage Property By-law and Policy

The Nova Scotia Legislature is scheduled to proclaim Bill 118, which received a royal assent on December 18, 2015. In the near future, Bill 118 will amend the Heritage Property Act, and create the new Heritage Property Regulations for the entire Province. Upon proclamation, the Municipality will amend the existing Heritage Property By-law and Policy in 2021. Please visit for an up-to-date information.

How to receive a heritage property designation

1. A heritage application form is submitted to the Planning Department.
2. The application is reviewed by the Heritage Advisory Committee (HAC).
3. The HAC conducts an on-site evaluation of the property and completes a report.
4. The HAC makes a recommendation to Council.
5. Council votes on the heritage designation.
6. If approved, notice of recommendation is given to the registered property owner.
7. 3 weeks after the notice is given, Council will ask for feedback from the property owner.
8. A property receives a heritage designation. A notice of registration of heritage property is sent to the property owner, and a copy is filed at the Registry of Deeds office.

How to renovate or substantially alter a heritage property

Before you make any alterations to your heritage property, a written request must be submitted to the Planner by stating the nature of the alteration. A Planner will determine if your alteration is substantial or non-substantial by referring to Policy 027 (  pdf Heritage Property Policy (679 KB) ). Alternations include:

• Exterior renovations, such as painting and shingle replacement
• Any changes to colour scheme, massing, roof shape, windows, doors, cladding, moulding, stairs, porches, decks, balconies, skylights, dormer, and other built forms
• Any additions and demolitions

If your alteration is deemed to be substantial, your application will be forwarded to the Heritage Advisory Committee for review. It will then be subject to approval of Municipal Council. The reason for approval is to ensure that the alteration does not alter the character and style of the heritage structure. If approved, you have 12 months to complete the alteration.

Important Documents and Links