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Photo Credit:  Hugh Harper

Latest News


August 2021 - Update for Sherbrooke Lake Residents

The Sherbrooke Lake Stewardship Committee have recently issued a newsletter to residents of Sherbrooke Lake.  pdf Please download it here. (650 KB)


Sherbrooke Lake, located in Lunenburg County is a 15-minute drive east of the community of New Germany and a 35-minute drive north of Bridgewater. The lake is home to permanent residents, lakefront cottages and a summer camp, however, is does not currently have a dedicated space for the general public to enjoy the water.

Both the Municipality of Lunenburg (MODL and the Municipality of Chester (MOC) share shoreline along Sherbrooke Lake, and the proposal is for MODL to develop a Public Access Site on land owned by MODL but located in MOC.  Because of shared interest, the two municipal units signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) stating that they will work together on some aspects of the development.



The Sherbrooke Lake Access Advisory Committee (SLAAC) involving members from both MODL and MOC the SLAAC was established to provide broad-based community advice to the Municipality, provide options available for public access to the Lake and to engage the public for input on the process of determining access. 

This committee has completed its mandate. 

Documents relating to the SLAAC can be found by following this link.


The Sherbrooke Lake Park Advisory Committee (SLAC) - strictly advisory in nature, the Park Advisory Committee was established to provide advice to MODL on the design, development and operations of the park, for the purposes of providing public access to Sherbrooke Lake.  The Park Committee will work towards having the land developed to ensure public access and that development is done in a manner that provides public space and access on Sherbrooke Lake that respects the natural environment and the surrounding community on Sherbrooke Lake, as outlined in the MOU.   Committee membership is comprised of equal representation of both MODL and MOC. Based on past reports, the MOU and using an adaptive management approach, a final park plan was developed by EDM Planning Services Ltd. and was presented to both Councils in the Fall of 2018. 

This committee is currently inactive until such a time as the project is re-started. 

Documents relating to the SLAC can be found by following this link.


The Sherbrooke Lake Stewardship Committee (SLSC) was created to oversee the implementation of a water quality monitoring program, establishing a baseline of data on Sherbrooke Lake to aid in the evidence-based decisions concerning the development of the properties acquired by MODL for public use. Committee membership includes representatives from MODL, MOC, a professional with knowledge of water quality monitoring (Currently Vacant, see below) as well as a representative from Coastal Action. 

This committee is active and holds meetings on a regular basis.

Documents relating to the SLSC can be found by following this link.


Public Consultation Report Released

Thank you to everyone who took the time to share their opinion! The survey team has analyzed this feedback and produced a consultation report, available below with two different levels of quality / file size:

2016-05 Public Consultation Report - pdf Higher Quality (10.10 MB)  
2016-05 Public Consultation Report - pdf Lower Quality (4.67 MB)