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Working smoke alarms save lives! Test yours every month

The Municipality of the District of Lunenburg would like to remind residents about the importance of working smoke alarms. It is important to test all smoke alarms monthly and change the batteries at least twice a year. When smoke alarms work, it cuts the chance of perishing in a fire, almost in half. Homes without smoke alarms, or no working smoke alarms, result in 2/3 of all home fire deaths. Approximately half of all deaths in home fires happen between 11 pm and 7 am- when most of us are asleep! Smoke alarms can give you the extra few seconds needed to save a life, whether it is yours or someone else's. If you are a person who has a hearing disability, there are smoke alarms that use strobe lights to alert you. Smoke alarms are your first level of protection, which is why they are so important.

For more information on fire safety, please contact our Fire Inspector at 902-541-5310


Learn about fireworks regulations at

Wildfire Prevention

Nova Scotia is in the heart of wildfire season. Weather is getting warmer and dryer, putting us at greater risk this time of year.

In Nova Scotia, almost all wildfires are caused by people, so prevention is our first line of defence. Wildfire prevention is everyone’s responsibility. Let’s not have another season like last year’s.

Learn about preventing wildfire at:

View the pdf BurnSafe 101 Brochure (1.14 MB) .