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Upcoming Council / Committee Agenda
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Pre-defined amount - $ - (the customer determines a monthly payment amount toward their account, due at the end of each month)
Full Amount (payment in full upon due date based on the interim and final tax billing)
Twelve equal monthly payments (twelve equal payments based on prior year tax billing due at the end of each month)
* The Tax Installment Prepayment Plan Enrollment Form must be signed indicating the plan/monthly amount to be withdrawn from your account. You will receive your regular bill for your records. By signing this Tax Installment Prepayment Plan Enrollment Application, you have authorized the Municipality of the District of Lunenburg to withdraw funds from your bank account to pay your property tax account. For joint accounts, both signatures are required. Please note that you are responsible for ensuring your taxes are paid in full upon due date. The balance owing (if any) will be subject to interest as per the Municipality of the District of Lunenburg’s late payment policy.
To enroll:
Please complete the application on the attached page and return it (along with a void cheque or automatic payment form from the bank) to the Municipality of the District of Lunenburg (MODL) offices at least fifteen (15) days before the date of the potential first payment.
I Have Read And Hereby Agree To The Above Terms And Conditions:
Please contact Annette Nowe This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with questions or to submit a form. Completed forms can also be dropped off or mailed to the address below.
10 Allée Champlain Drive, Cookville, Nova Scotia B4V 9E4