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The Municipality of the District of Lunenburg has established guidelines for various grants to non-profit and charitable organizations. For specific information on each category, including deadlines, eligibility, and an application form, click on the appropriate category below.

Supporting Policies:

For individual categories, please click the links below. It is recommended that you speak with Municipal Staff before submitting an application by calling (902) 541-1343.

Grant categories include:

  • GRANT GROUPS resized    pdf Annual Operating (616 KB) : to help with an organization’s annual operating costs.
    • (Grant maximum $5,000. Deadline to apply - March 1st annually)
  • GRANT for Groups ICON 02 resized  Comfort Centre Generator Funding: to provide assistance for community centres and fire halls wishing to act as comfort centres during emergencies. Memorandum of Understanding
    • (Grant Maximum $8,000. Deadline to apply - March 1st annually)
  • GRANT GROUPS resized    pdf Community Economic Developmen (425 KB) t: to help with the development of projects, events or initiatives that promote the area and foster community economic growth.
    • (Grant maximum $1,000)  
  • GRANT GROUPS resized    pdf Community Event (623 KB) : to help with the hosting and/or delivery of a public Community Event.
    • (Grant maximum $2,000)
  • GRANT GROUPS resized    pdf Community Recreation Capital (650 KB) : to help with the expansion or improvement of an indoor / outdoor cultural, social, heritage and/or recreation facility, and/or equipment, for projects under $10,000.
    • (Grant maximum $2,000)
  • GRANT GROUPS resized    pdf Community Recreation Program (629 KB) : to help with the delivery of a new or expanded cultural, social, heritage and/or recreation program.
    • (Grant maximum $1,000)
  • GRANT PERSONAL resized    pdf Elite Athlete Travel (406 KB) : to help elite athletes residing in the Municipality of the District of Lunenburg County travel costs competing at national or international events.
    • (Grant maximum $1,000 national / $2,000 international)
  • GRANT PERSONAL resized    pdf Leadership Training (460 KB) : to help with training costs for individuals or community organizations that will continue to expand the programs, services and activities provided by community organizations.
    • (Grant maximum $500)
  • GRANT GROUPS resized    pdf Major Events (650 KB) : to encourage new or expand existing large-scale events that create a positive economic impact for the Municipality.  The Major Events Grant is to support operating, marketing, or promotional expenses for events that will attract visitors to the area.
    • (Grant maximum $20,000)
  • GRANT GROUPS resized    pdf Major Recreation Capital (653 KB) : to help with the development, expansion, or improvement of an outdoor cultural, social, heritage and/or recreation facility, and/or equipment, for projects $10,000 or more.
    • (Grant maximum $15,000. Deadline to apply - March 1 annually)
  • GRANT PERSONAL resized    pdf Positive Recreation Opportunities for Adults (PRO Fund) (189 KB) : to help individuals, aged 19 or over, living in the Municipality, who due to lack of financial support, would not be able to benefit from recreational, sport or cultural, activities.  
    • For more information and an application form please visit our PRO Fund page.
  • GRANT PERSONAL resized   Positive Recreation Opportunities (PRO Kids): to help individuals aged 18 or under, who live in the Municipality and who due to lack of financial support, would not be able to benefit from recreational, sport or cultural, activities.  
    • For more information and an application form please visit our PRO Kids page.
  • GRANT GROUPS resized    pdf Sponsorship Ad Requests (430 KB) : to help with sponsorship of local not-for-profit organization’s projects, events or initiatives that benefit residents of the Municipality or to provide prize(s) to enhance the project, event or initiative.
    • (Grant maximum $500)
  • GRANT PERSONAL resized    pdf Sport, Recreational & Cultural Travel Assistance (423 KB) : to help individuals, teams, or youth groups with travel costs when competing in provincial, national or international competitions in sport or cultural events.
    • (Grant maximum: Per Individual: $75 provincial, $200 national or international. Per Team $500 provincial, $1,000 national or international)

Fire Service Grants

pdf Fire Service Leadership Training Grant Individual (115 KB) : A leadership training grant for individual officers and executives to contribute to training that develops leadership in the areas of volunteer management, communication, or other related leadership training.

pdf Fire Service Leadership Training Grant Groups (113 KB) : A group leadership training grant for departments that develops leadership in the areas of volunteer management, communication, or other related leadership training.

pdf Fire Service Annual Recognition Grant (108 KB) : to assist departments in hosting recognition events for members. This funding can be used to pay for costs associated with departments hosting annual recognition events, such as annual banquets, appreciation events, BBQs, etc.

Distributed Grants