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What is PRO Kids?

Positive Recreation Opportunities for Kids! PRO Kids is a unique concept that was developed by the City of Thunder Bay in Ontario and is now implemented in many communities across Canada, including the Municipality of the District of Lunenburg. This is a program that provides financial assistance to children and youth from the Municipality of Lunenburg who, due to lack of funds, are not able to participate in sport, recreation and cultural activities. This program strives to remove financial barriers to ensure every child and youth has an opportunity to participate.

We've made things easier!  You can now apply online. 

Please click here to complete the form.

Alternatively, you can download and complete the application form below:

*This form is a pre-fillable application form:

  • Click to open the form
  • Complete each box 
  • Save the form on your device
  • Then email it to us at


  • All applications are handled in the strictest confidence.
  • MODL is working to identify barriers to full economic and social inclusion.  Data gathered from the application forms will be used to analyze the effectiveness of PRO Kids among diverse populations. 

PRO Kids' Mission

To provide assistance to as many children and youth as possible who are unable to participate in sport, recreation and cultural activities due to financial limitations.

To foster partnerships with community organizations, businesses and individuals to provide the necessary support for children and youth in our communities to always have an opportunity to participate in sport, recreation and cultural activities.

Who is eligible?

Children and youth 18 years of age or under who live within the Municipality of the District of Lunenburg and are experiencing financial limitation to cover the costs associated with organized, registered recreation and cultural activities.

PRO Kids Program Guidelines

  1. Recipients must be 0-18 years of age, live in the Municipality of Lunenburg and, due to lack of funds, are unable to participate in sport, recreation and cultural activities.
  2. Applicants can apply for assistance with registration fees and equipment costs at any time of year, but approval will only be considered once per season. Applications are available from our website or can be picked up at the Municipal Recreation office.
  3. Recipients must be registered with an organized community group or recognized program in order to receive financial assistance.
  4. Applicants must fill out an application form and submit the completed form to the Recreation Office at least 3 weeks prior to the start of the program that you are applying for. Please note, that late applications may not receive approval in time to start the program.
  5. Approval is based on a reference system. Applicants must provide a reliable reference that we can contact and who is willing to verify that financial assistance is necessary. If you are a client of Community Services, please feel free to have them stamp this form with their approval. We will contact you if any further information is required.
  6. Applications are processed on a first come, first serve basis. Applications are confidential.
  7. Applicants should hear the results of their application within 3 weeks of applying.
  8. Cheques for registration fees will be made payable to the organization where the child is registered.

What kind of organized, registered recreation and cultural activities are eligible?

Below is a sample list of activities children and youth can apply for support. If you do not see your activity listed below, we encourage you to contact us to discuss the eligibility of the activity.

  • Art Classes
  • Ball Hockey  
  • Baseball
  • Basketball
  • Scouts/Guides
  • Cheerleading
  • Dance
  • Day Camps
  • Fitness Memberships
  • Football
  • Golf
  • Gymnastics
  • Hockey
  • Horseback Riding
  • Martial Arts
  • Music Lessons (Violin, Piano, Guitar, etc.)
  • Skating
  • Ski Lessons
  • Soccer
  • Softball
  • Summer Camp
  • Swimming Lessons
  • Theatre Arts Camp
  • Vocal Lessons

Where does the money come from to support our PRO Kids program?

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In addition to Municipal funds, PRO Kids relies on the support of community agencies such as the United Way of Lunenburg County, and the Rotary Club of Lunenburg, groups, organizations, schools, businesses and private individuals for continued support.

The success of PRO Kids is dependent upon fostering partnerships with community organizations and individuals who deliver art, culture, recreation and sport programs in the Municipality of the District of Lunenburg. Organizations and individuals are requested to provide spaces in their programs, which can be filled by PRO Kids applicants. 

Donations to PRO Kids can be made directly at the Municipal Office and an Income Tax Receipt will be provided for all financial contributions over $10.00

What are the community benefits of supporting the PRO Kids program?

By supporting PRO Kids, you will be removing barriers for participation. Placing children and youth in activities through the PRO Kids program will not only affect these children; it will also positively affect their families and friends, those who are involved in the activity in which they participate, and the community at large. The children placed through the program will be encouraged to achieve their full potential and uncover their unique talents. They will feel a sense of belonging and community, will have an increase in self-esteem, and will have a chance to live a healthy, active life.

In addition, there are numerous benefits to the community when children get involved in recreation activities, instead of watching from the sidelines.

  • Builds healthy communities and a healthy lifestyle
  • Is an investment in the future of our young people
  • Develops friendships and social networks
  • Fosters cooperation and good citizenship
  • Promotes positive behaviours
  • Builds confidence and self-esteem
  • Encourages community involvement
  • Provides an opportunity to be part of a team
  • Provides fun and enjoyment
  • Develops leadership skills
  • Is an important tool in crime prevention
  • Strengthens families
  • Promotes healthy development
  • Builds social skills
  • Lowers rates of illness and associated costs
  • Results in higher grade

For more information regarding the PRO Kids program please contact

PRO Kids Administrator

Phone: 902-541-1343
Fax: 902-527-1135