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    pdf By-law List (691 KB)

To read our Planning By-laws, please see the Planning By-law webpage

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A By-law Respecting the Repeal of the Land-Leased Community By-law ( pdf, 282 KB )
By-law 001 Street Improvement By-law ( pdf, 2.63 MB )
By-law 002 Dog By-law ( pdf, 152 KB )
By-law 003 Relief From Liability.pdf ( pdf, 37 KB )
By-law 007 Domestic Animal ( pdf, 138 KB )
By-law 008A Repeal of By law 008 Fire Department Tax Exemption ( pdf, 434 KB )
By-law 009 Full Tax Exemption ( pdf, 133 KB )
By-law 010 Partial Tax Exemption Bylaw ( pdf, 122 KB )
By-law 011B Municipal Sewer By-law ( pdf, 698 KB )
By-law 012B Shore Drive Waste Water Management Bylaw ( pdf, 4.50 MB )
By-law 013 Capital Cost Recovery Charges for Water Systems ( pdf, 3.77 MB )
By-law 016 Deed Transfer Tax ( pdf, 81 KB )
By-law 017 Fees Charged for Police Clearance Certificate Applications ( pdf, 117 KB )
By-law 018 Building Code ( pdf, 5.27 MB )
By-law 019A Motor Vehicle Transient Vendors By-law and Application ( pdf, 80 KB )
By-law 025 Membership & Responsibilities of Police Advisory Board.pdf ( pdf, 652 KB )
By-law 026 Vendors in Municipal Parks By-law and Application ( pdf, 1.96 MB )
By-law 029 Saw Pit Wharf ( pdf, 186 KB )
By-law 030 Civic Address.pdf ( pdf, 3.49 MB )
By-law 031 Clean Energy Financing ( pdf, 1.28 MB )
By-law 034A Lahave River Wastewater Management District By law ( pdf, 1.67 MB )
By-law 039 Solid Waste Collection & Disposal ( pdf, 1.21 MB )
By-law 040 Consolidated Private Roads By law ( pdf, 3.17 MB )
By-law 040 Consolidated Private Roads By law ( pdf, 7.39 MB )
By-law 041 Alternative Voting.pdf ( pdf, 269 KB )
By-law 042 Interpretation.pdf ( pdf, 402 KB )
By-law 043 Heritage Property By law (2021) ( pdf, 1.27 MB )
By-law 046 Regional Emergency Management (2021) ( pdf, 1.32 MB )
By-law 047 Potable Water Supply Upgrade Financing Program ( pdf, 1.90 MB )