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News release: MODL Launches Public Engagement Website
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- Published: Thursday, 02 April 2020 09:49
April 2, 2020 / For Immediate Release
BRIDGEWATER, NOVA SCOTIA – While residents continue to follow vital physical distancing guidelines, the Municipality of the District of Lunenburg has been working to find creative ways to connect with residents online.
The Municipality accelerated their planned launch of their new public engagement website, EngageMODL (, and the site is now live with three projects.
“We’ve experienced a noticeable decline in attendance at our public meetings, town halls and other engagement events over the past few years, and an increase in online discussion through our online surveys and Facebook page,” said Mayor Carolyn Bolivar-Getson. “With more than 50 municipalities across Canada using online engagement sites successfully, we felt it would be a welcome addition to our public engagement practices. The plan is not to replace in-person or phone engagement, but to complement it.”
EngageMODL is designed to engage discussion between residents and the Municipality on specific topics. It provides a platform for residents to read summaries or background reports about specific projects, discuss their questions or concerns about municipal projects and initiatives, and stay more informed.
The site is moderated by a third party to ensure the conversations remain appropriate, on topic and free from any harassment or inappropriate content. Users register and post comments, with their anonymity protected through their own chosen screen name. The Municipality does not have the ability to see personal information or email addresses submitted to the site.
EngageMODL currently hosts three projects that residents can engage with: Staying Connected during COVID-19, Private Roads By-law, and Stonemont Retirement Living Complex.
Future projects will utilise some of the many tools offered by the site, including surveys, stories, Q&A and a mapping tool allowing residents to pin locations and add comments.
Projects will be continuously added to the site to keep the community updated on current projects and events.
Media contact
Sarah Kucharski
Communications Officer
(902) 541-1328
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News release: Municipality Donates $10,000 to Local Food Banks
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- Published: Tuesday, 31 March 2020 09:50
March 31, 2020 / For Immediate Release
BRIDGEWATER, NOVA SCOTIA – The Municipality of the District of Lunenburg has donated $10,000 in emergency funding to local food banks to assist families that have been affected by COVID-19. Food banks in New Germany and the towns of Bridgewater, Mahone Bay and Lunenburg will receive a portion of the funding based on the number of residents served by each food bank.
“We want residents to know that we understand how important it is that they can continue to put food on their table during this difficult time,” said Mayor Carolyn Bolivar-Getson. “Council voted unanimously to make this donation to help our local food banks support those residents experiencing urgent need.”
Media contact
Sarah Kucharski
Communications Officer
(902) 541-1328
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News release: MODL to Delay Interim Tax Deadline
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- Published: Tuesday, 24 March 2020 09:52
March 24, 2020 / For Immediate Release
BRIDGEWATER, NOVA SCOTIA - In order to offset the financial impact on residents and businesses during the COVID-19 situation, the Municipality of the District of Lunenburg will delay the interim tax deadline by 90 days. The interim tax deadline will move from May 31, 2020 to August 31, 2020. The interim tax bills will be mailed at the end of April; however, no interest will be applied until September 1, 2020.
Additionally, the Municipality will offer a deferral of PACE and Straight Pipe Loan payments of up to 90 days upon request.
“This is a proactive measure to help individuals and businesses during the COVID-19 situation,” said Mayor Carolyn Bolivar-Getson. “We understand that a significant number of our residents are facing reduced hours, loss of employment, and loss of business during this time, and Council is taking measures to alleviate the financial stress put on residents and business owners.”
Residents are encouraged to visit Novel coronavirus (COVID-19) to stay up-to-date on the provincial response to COVID-19.
Media contact
Sarah Kucharski
Communications Officer
(902) 541-1328
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News release: Changes Coming to Waste Collection
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- Published: Thursday, 05 March 2020 08:37
March 5, 2020 / For Immediate Release
BRIDGEWATER, NOVA SCOTIA – Big changes are coming to waste collection next month. Effective April 1, two bulky landfill items will be collected every two weeks on pickup day. Spring and Fall clean up has been eliminated–now residents can dispose of bulky landfill items with every garbage day.
Accepted items will include couches, mattresses, box springs, rugs, upholstered chairs, vacuum cleaners, plastic furniture, toilets, sinks, windows and more. Beginning in the fall, wood and metal collection will take place once a year during a two-week period on regular pickup days. Accepted items will include wooden furniture, wooden doors, pallets, boards, barbecues, washing machines, dryers, stoves and metal furniture.
De-humidifiers, freezers and fridges should not be put roadside unless drained and stickered. They can be dropped off at the Lunenburg Regional Community Recycling Centre.
“As a result of these changes, the Municipality will save about $300,000 annually, or $1.8 million over the six-year waste contract,” said Mayor Carolyn Bolivar-Getson.
Media contact:
Stephanie Smits
Supervisor – Outreach & Communications
Municipal Joint Services Board, Lunenburg Region
Office (902) 543-2913
News release: The Municipality of the District of Lunenburg declares climate emergency, joins national climate protection program
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- Published: Tuesday, 22 October 2019 12:11
The Municipality of the District of Lunenburg declares climate emergency, joins national climate protection program
October 22, 2019 / For immediate release. At the October 22 Council meeting, the Municipality of the District of Lunenburg declared a climate emergency and made a public commitment to taking action on climate change by joining the Partners for Climate Protection (PCP) program. PCP is a network of Canadian municipal governments that have committed to reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and protecting our climate.
Climate change poses a serious threat to the natural environment, human health, jobs and the economy. In 2016, more than 190 countries — including Canada — signed the Paris Agreement and committed to lowering GHG emissions to help reduce the most severe effects of climate change. Achieving this goal will require ambitious action by national and subnational governments, businesses and citizens. By joining the PCP program, the Municipality is joining over 400 municipal governments across Canada in taking a leadership role and making a significant contribution to reducing Canada’s overall GHG emissions.
“The impacts on our communities from more severe weather is undeniable. Climate change is affecting our communities and the Municipality must take a leadership role to address this crisis,” says Mayor Carolyn Bolivar-Getson.
In 2018, PCP member municipalities voluntarily reported over 160 projects to reduce GHG emissions, representing over 720,000 tonnes in annual GHG reductions. Along with reducing GHG emissions, municipalities saw other community benefits and savings, including $2.88 million in annual cost savings generated by reducing emissions municipally-owned vehicles and buildings and infrastructure.
About the PCP program
The Partners for Climate Protection (PCP) program is managed and delivered by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) and ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI Canada).
Since 1994, PCP has provided municipalities of all sizes with the tools, resources and guidance they need to progress through a five-milestone process to lower GHG emissions and reduce the impacts of climate change. The five milestones are:
- Milestone 1 — Create a baseline emissions inventory and forecast
- Milestone 2 — Set emissions reduction targets
- Milestone 3 — Develop a local action plan
- Milestone 4 — Implement the local action plan
- Milestone 5 — Monitor progress and report results
There are PCP members in all provinces and territories, and member municipalities represent more than 65 per cent of the Canadian population. PCP receives financial support from the Government of Canada and ICLEI Canada.
For more information
Alex Dumaresq
Deputy CAO
Municipality of the District of Lunenburg
Phone: (902) 541-1332
News release: Residents Invited to Attend Your Government, Your Ideas Meetings
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- Published: Monday, 16 September 2019 09:47
September 16, 2019 / For Immediate Release
BRIDGEWATER, NOVA SCOTIA - The Municipality of the District of Lunenburg invites residents to attend the upcoming Your Government, Your Ideas meetings, set to take place in October and November throughout the Municipality.
Each event will include a presentation from the Mayor, a Q&A session, and small group discussions about the Municipality’s strategic priorities for 2019/2020.
“These meetings are an opportunity for residents to learn more about the Municipality’s accomplishments and plans for the upcoming year, as well as ask to ask questions and provide us with their thoughts on various issues,” says Mayor Carolyn Bolivar-Getson. “I encourage residents to join us at one of the meetings.”
Tuesday, October 1
Lunenburg Fire Hall
Wednesday, October 2
Big Tancook Recreation Centre
Monday, October 7
Newcombville Fire Hall
Monday, October 28
West Dublin Hall
Tuesday, October 29|
Blockhouse Fire Hall
Tuesday, November 12
Barss Corner Community Hall
Residents that cannot attend this event can still submit their thoughts by filling out the Your Government, Your Ideas survey:
Media contact:
Sarah Kucharski
Communications Officer
(902) 541-1328
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News release: Municipality Appoints New CAO
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- Published: Tuesday, 13 August 2019 14:48
August 13, 2019 / For Immediate Release
BRIDGEWATER, NOVA SCOTIA – The Municipality of the District of Lunenburg has appointed Tom MacEwan as Chief Administrative Officer.
Tom served almost four years as the Chief Administrative Officer for the third largest municipal unit in Nova Scotia, and more recently served as CAO with the Municipality of the District of Shelburne. During his tenures, he’s worked on projects such as a rural internet broadband strategy, a 5-year Strategic Plan and a community engagement strategy.
In addition to his work in municipal government, Tom has more than a decade of experience practicing law, with a specialty in Municipal Law, Labour and Employment Law and Civil Litigation. Tom has also served as a university lecturer in the areas of business law, family law, Canadian government and world politics. Raised in Westville, NS, Tom graduated in 1999 with a law degree from Dalhousie University.
“Council is delighted to bring Tom onto the team. He brings a depth of knowledge and experience in the role, with more than 15 years involvement in municipal government, through his service as municipal solicitor and as CAO. We expect Tom’s leadership will help us navigate the major projects we have underway as a municipality,” says Mayor Carolyn-Bolivar Getson.
Tom will begin his role with the Municipality on September 16.
Media contact:
Sarah Kucharski
Communications Officer
(902) 541-1328
News release: New Day Park Opens in New Germany
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- Published: Monday, 15 July 2019 08:57
July 15, 2019 / For Immediate Release
BRIDGEWATER, NOVA SCOTIA – The first phase of the 115-acre River Ridge Common day park opened this weekend in New Germany. Spanning both sides of the South Shore Annapolis Valley Trail, River Ridge Common offers scenic opportunities to view Indian Brook Falls and the ravine down to Ross Brook.
“Acquiring open space to address present and future need is part of the Municipality’s Open Space Strategic Plan,” said Mayor Carolyn Bolivar-Getson. “We heard from residents North of the 103 that they wanted a day park in their area similar to what’s available at the MARC in Dayspring, and we’re excited to realise this plan.”
Phase One includes trails that meet accessibility guidelines and a large natural playground with features that encourage exploration, adventure and skills development. Phase Two (November 2019) will include washrooms, single track mountain bike trails, additional accessible trails, an Off Highway Vehicle pull off and picnic area next to the rail trail. Phase Three will include a lookoff and naturalized gardens.
“We relied on our partnerships, especially with the River Ridge Common Committee, a local community group whose mandate was to help guide the development of River Ridge Common,” said District 5 Councillor Cathy Moore. “Another significant partnership to this project is our local young people. In the last two autumn seasons, approximately 40 local youth from the High School and the Nova Scotia Community College participated in trail work days that engaged them in site planning, species identification and hands-on trail projects. The involvement of local youth and the community in all aspects of this park and trail project is paramount to ensure long-term stewardship and enjoyment of the site.”
“This project has also received significant donations from the New Germany Lions Club, the New Germany Promotional Society, the New Germany Rink Committee, and generous in-kind donations from community members,” said District 7 Councillor Wade Carver.
The Province of Nova Scotia also provided funding towards the project. “Having access to parks, playgrounds and trails is an incredibly important part of maintaining a healthy, active lifestyle,” said Suzanne Lohnes-Croft, on behalf of Communities, Culture and Heritage Minister, Leo Glavine. “We have made it a priority to ensure all Nova Scotians can participate in sport and recreation and we are pleased to see phase one of this important project come to life.”
Media contact:
Sarah Kucharski
Communications Officer
(902) 541-1328
News release: Municipality in Strong Financial Health, According to Provincial Financial Condition Indicators
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- Published: Wednesday, 03 July 2019 10:21
July 3, 2019 / For Immediate Release
BRIDGEWATER, NOVA SCOTIA – The Province recently released annual Financial Condition Indicators results for 2017/18, showing that the Municipality is in strong financial health.
The indicators provide a risk‐based approach to evaluating municipalities and are presented in a house format graph. This visual focuses on key performance indicators, leading financial indicators and potential internal and external factors that could have an impact on a municipality’s financial results. The risk thresholds are coloured: yellow indicates medium risk, red indicates high risk and green, low risk. The overall financial condition risk assessment for our Municipality is green, which means that the Municipality is considered low risk for fiscal instability.
“MODL has green indicators for all categories, with the exception of budget accuracy, which is red due to budget surpluses,” said Elana Wentzell, Director of Finance. “A budget can change throughout the year when we plan for projects that may not move forward or are delayed due to funding partnership approvals, or when revenue estimates are too conservative. The surpluses are placed in reserves to ensure there are funds to help mitigate the financial impact of major, non‐recurring or unforeseen expenditures on the Municipality’s annual operating budget as well as take advantage of unexpected opportunities to leverage external funding programs.”
Based on the indicators related to municipal revenues, MODL’s general operating revenue is stable. Our assessment growth is above the Consumer Price Index indicating our tax base is able to cover increasing costs of municipal services and programs. Based on the indicators related to general operating expenses, MODL has been able to meet its needs in a balanced manner and has maintained a balanced budget. As well, we have preserved prudent debt and reserve levels while maintaining capital assets with 73% useful life remaining.
“The Municipality is in a strong financial position,” said Mayor Carolyn Bolivar-Getson. “We continue to maintain our tax rate and remain on track to be debt free by 2021. As the report shows, Council continues to set aside sufficient funds to help mitigate any unforeseen risks, we are not dependent on another level of government to meet service obligations, and we have healthy reserves to help address unexpected events and provide flexibility to address future projects.”
Media contact:
Elana Wentzell, CPA CMA
Director of Finance
Municipality of the District of Lunenburg
(902) 541-1322
News release: Eastlink Begins Fibre Installation in Baker Settlement
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- Published: Friday, 28 June 2019 12:07
High speed internet network installations underway in Baker Settlement
June 28, 2019 - BRIDGEWATER, NOVA SCOTIA – High speed internet installations, powered by Eastlink fibre, are well underway in the Baker Settlement area as part of the Baker Settlement/Hemford/Hemford Forest internet expansion project.
Built to the plan that was outlined and approved by the Municipality of the District of Lunenburg, this project is funded by a partnership between the Government of Canada’s Connect to Innovate program, the Nova Scotia Internet Funding Trust, the Municipality and Eastlink.
“We are so pleased to be part of this project, which will bring our core, fibre-based services to more residents in the Municipality,” says Deborah Shaffner, Eastlink CEO.
Eastlink’s core services include high speed internet and WiFi with speeds up to 1 GB, TV (including Eastlink’s exclusive TV Channel Exchange) and home phone with the option to bundle services.
“Access to high-speed Internet is of critical importance to the Municipality, and a key priority for our Council,” says Mayor Carolyn Bolivar-Getson. “This investment will make an important and significant contribution towards economic development and quality of life in these communities.”
“Broadband Internet service is key for the prosperity of rural Canadian communities. This project will allow residents in Baker Settlement to be better connected to friends, family and businesses, as well as have better access to online services and tools. By providing better broadband connections, we are increasing the potential for economic growth and diversification and enhancing the quality of life in small and rural communities,” says the Honourable Bernadette Jordan, Minister of Rural Economic Development.
“Connecting more rural Nova Scotians to reliable, high-speed Internet is an ongoing priority for the province,” said Mark Furey, MLA for Lunenburg West and Minister of Justice. “Last year we committed $193 million into the Nova Scotia Internet Funding Trust and placed responsibility for the implementation and management of rural Internet with Develop Nova Scotia. Now we are beginning to see results in Baker Settlement, with many more communities to come across Nova Scotia.”
The Municipality recognizes that there remain underserved areas in the Municipality that are not part of this project. As such, the Municipality continues to work on solutions to further expand service to more of these areas, which may possibly benefit from its TNC project or projects that may qualify for funding from the Nova Scotia Internet Funding Trust, through Develop Nova Scotia.
Learn more at and for more information about Develop Nova Scotia’s Internet for Nova Scotia Initiative, visit
Media contact:
Sarah Kucharski
Communications Officer
(902) 541-1328