The Municipality of the District of Lunenburg declares climate emergency, joins national climate protection program
October 22, 2019 / For immediate release. At the October 22 Council meeting, the Municipality of the District of Lunenburg declared a climate emergency and made a public commitment to taking action on climate change by joining the Partners for Climate Protection (PCP) program. PCP is a network of Canadian municipal governments that have committed to reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and protecting our climate.
Climate change poses a serious threat to the natural environment, human health, jobs and the economy. In 2016, more than 190 countries — including Canada — signed the Paris Agreement and committed to lowering GHG emissions to help reduce the most severe effects of climate change. Achieving this goal will require ambitious action by national and subnational governments, businesses and citizens. By joining the PCP program, the Municipality is joining over 400 municipal governments across Canada in taking a leadership role and making a significant contribution to reducing Canada’s overall GHG emissions.
“The impacts on our communities from more severe weather is undeniable. Climate change is affecting our communities and the Municipality must take a leadership role to address this crisis,” says Mayor Carolyn Bolivar-Getson.
In 2018, PCP member municipalities voluntarily reported over 160 projects to reduce GHG emissions, representing over 720,000 tonnes in annual GHG reductions. Along with reducing GHG emissions, municipalities saw other community benefits and savings, including $2.88 million in annual cost savings generated by reducing emissions municipally-owned vehicles and buildings and infrastructure.
About the PCP program
The Partners for Climate Protection (PCP) program is managed and delivered by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) and ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability (ICLEI Canada).
Since 1994, PCP has provided municipalities of all sizes with the tools, resources and guidance they need to progress through a five-milestone process to lower GHG emissions and reduce the impacts of climate change. The five milestones are:
- Milestone 1 — Create a baseline emissions inventory and forecast
- Milestone 2 — Set emissions reduction targets
- Milestone 3 — Develop a local action plan
- Milestone 4 — Implement the local action plan
- Milestone 5 — Monitor progress and report results
There are PCP members in all provinces and territories, and member municipalities represent more than 65 per cent of the Canadian population. PCP receives financial support from the Government of Canada and ICLEI Canada.
For more information
Alex Dumaresq
Deputy CAO
Municipality of the District of Lunenburg
Phone: (902) 541-1332