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April 27, 2021 / For immediate release

Municipality of the District of Lunenburg, Nova Scotia. The Municipality of the District of Lunenburg will close to the public beginning April 28, providing remote services for the next two weeks. Our current plan is to re-open the Municipal Services building on May 13; however, we will reassess as necessary.

A limited number of staff will continue to work in the office, while the majority of staff will be working remotely. All services will continue to be provided by email, phone and mail. Building inspections and LaHave River Straight Pipe Replacement Program installations will continue, following social distancing guidelines. Tax payments can also be made at a bank, online, via telephone banking or using our drop box (cheques only – please do not deposit cash in the drop box).

All recreation programming is cancelled. Our parks and trails remain open, and we ask that residents follow public health guidelines and use only those parks and trails in their community.
“We proved in 2020 that we can shift quickly to remote services and continue to provide excellent service to our residents and businesses,” said Mayor Carolyn Bolivar-Getson. “It is vitally important that everyone do their part to contain the spread of COVID-19.”

Residents are encouraged to visit to stay up-to-date on the provincial response to COVID-19.



Sarah Kucharski
Communications Officer
(902) 541-1328