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News & Events

News release: Municipality Awards Annual Grant Funding

MUNICIPALITY OF THE DISTRICT OF LUNENBURG, NOVA SCOTIA – Each year, the Municipality of the District of Lunenburg offers an Annual Operating and Major Recreation Capital Grant program to its non-profit groups to support the many volunteers and volunteer groups that make our communities better places to live, work and play.

This year, under the 2024-2025 Annual Operating Grant Program, the Municipality awarded $80,064 to 48 organizations. Under the Major Recreation Capital Grant Program, the Municipality awarded $67,861 to 14 organizations, enabling them to undertake transformative projects that will promote a more vibrant community. Council also awarded $2,545 to Lunenburg Ground Search & Rescue from the Council Contingency budget.

"The Municipality of the District of Lunenburg showcases its steadfast dedication to community well-being and vitality through the Annual Operating and Major Recreation Capital Grant program," says Mayor Carolyn Bolivar-Getson. "These funding initiatives reflect our deep gratitude for the numerous volunteers and volunteer groups who tirelessly contribute to the prosperity of our communities. By offering essential funding, we enable these organizations to enrich the lives of our residents and foster environments where people can live, work, and play."

Municipal staff will be reaching out to community groups shortly to update them on their grant applications.


Media contact:

Sarah Kucharski
Manager, Corporate Services & Communications
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(902) 541-1328

News release: Wastewater, Sidewalk Upgrades for Lunenburg County

Please see the news release from the province of Nova Scotia:

News release: Property Tax Rebate Increased Significantly

To help make life more affordable for homeowners that are struggling financially, the Municipality of the District of Lunenburg has significantly expanded the Property Tax Rebate program.

The Property Tax Rebate Program is one of the ways that Council supports lower-income homeowners by granting a property tax rebate based on total household income. With the passing of the 2024/2025 municipal budget on April 9, 2024, Council revised the program significantly. Homeowners with household incomes under $51,840 are eligible to receive a rebate of up to $650. This represents a 14% increase over the 2023 amounts. In the 2023/24 tax year, 730 homeowners received the property tax rebate.

“We recognize that this is a very difficult environment for lower-income property owners,” says Mayor Carolyn Bolivar-Getson. “The Property Tax Rebate is one of the many ways the Municipality supports our residents encountering financial difficulties. Increasing the rebate amounts and thresholds will result in an estimated return of $753,400 to the residents who need the relief the most.”

Qualified applicants will see the rebate on their final property tax bill for the year. Applicants need to apply every year. Proof of income is required. Updated application forms are available at Applications are due by August 1; however, the Municipality will accept applications all year if funding permits.


Media contact:

Sarah Kucharski
Manager, Corporate Services & Communications
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(902) 541-1328

News release: Municipality Passes 2024-25 Budget

The Municipality of the District of Lunenburg approved the 2024-25 operating and capital budgets at the Tuesday, April 9 Council meeting.

“We recognize that this is a very difficult environment for lower-income property owners,” says Mayor Carolyn Bolivar-Getson. “Council significantly increased the Property Tax Rebate and expect many more homeowners to benefit from this rebate than in previous years. Increasing the rebate amounts and thresholds will result in an estimated return of $753,400 to the residents who need the relief the most.”

The Municipality approved its annual operating budget of $44,691,400 with a $27,000 surplus. The capital budget and Canada Community-Building Fund investment totals $11,595,536. This budget continues the Municipality’s track record of strong financial management, while continuing to meet the needs of residents.

“The commercial and residential tax rate remains unchanged in this budget for the 14th year in a row,” says Mayor Carolyn Bolivar-Getson. “Council has a 5-year financial strategy that guides our budgeting decisions. This strategy continues to allow us to make significant capital investments in our four major areas of priority: Osprey Village Growth Centre, improving our current parks and open spaces, executing on our Climate Change Action Plan, and developing a comprehensive Municipal Planning Strategy.”

Major Capital Investment Summary by Category

 Osprey Village Growth Centre  $5,325,000
 Other Infrastructure Projects  $1,489,000
 Re-Create Parks  $1,330,000
 Water and Wastewater Projects  $1,375,000
 Recreation Infrastructure Projects  $1,241,536
 Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Projects  $835,000
 Total   $11,595,536

Read the pdf Budget Highlights (152 KB) .

Watch the Budget meeting on YouTube.


Media contact:

Elana Wentzell, CPA CMA

Director of Finance and Municipal Treasurer

Municipality of the District of Lunenburg

(902) 541-1322 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

News release: Municipality Invites Residents to Shape the Future of Sawpit Wharf Park

The Municipality of the District of Lunenburg invites residents to contribute to the future vision of Sawpit Wharf Park.

Sawpit Wharf Park stands as a cornerstone of our community, offering a picturesque waterfront with amenities including a floating wharf, boat launch, parking area, day use area, and green space. Since its inception, the park has evolved to meet the needs of residents, with expansions and enhancements guided by the Sawpit Wharf Advisory Committee.

In 2007, a concept plan laid out a vision for Sawpit Wharf Park's future, proposing new features such as walking trails and an expanded parking area. Many of these features have been incorporated in the park’s design. Now, the Municipality is embarking on a new phase of development, one that places community input at its core.

Mayor Carolyn Bolivar-Getson shared her enthusiasm for this collaborative effort, stating, "Sawpit Wharf Park is an important community asset, and resident input is invaluable in shaping its future. We are committed to ensuring it continues to serve as a vibrant gathering place for generations to come and invite residents to join us to share their experiences and wishes for Sawpit Wharf Park."

Residents are invited to complete a survey online or attend a presentation and workshop on April 23. To complete the survey and learn more about the upcoming workshop, please visit
Media contact:

Sarah Kucharski
Manager, Corporate Services & Communications
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
(902) 541-1328

News release: Council Declines to Award Pickleball Court Tender

For the past few years, Council has been working towards the creation of a dedicated, accessible Pickleball Court facility in MODL. In the 2023-2024 Capital Budget, we included $800,000 for six accessible Pickleball Courts.

Over the past year, Council went through a site selection process and Municipal Staff worked with the local Pickleball Community and the Design Consultants in the preparation of the tender document. In order to ensure that we were ready for the beginning of the spring construction season, the tender document was issued on December 20, 2023, and closed on February 29, 2024.

At the Council meeting on March 12, 2024, Council reviewed two tenders that were submitted for the construction of six accessible Pickleball Courts. The submitted bids came in at $1.45 million and $1.8 million; both well in excess of the $800,000 budgeted for the project. As the tendered costs far exceeded the capital budget, Council has decided not to award the tender.

“I am disappointed that we were not able to secure bids closer to the budgeted amount. Council was not prepared to award the project at a cost of more than $600,000 over the budget,” says Mayor Carolyn Bolivar-Getson. “We will be meeting with representatives of the Pickleball Community to explore options and funding partners that would enable us to move forward with an outdoor pickleball facility in the Municipality and I will be recommending that an $800,000 operating reserve be set up so that funds are available for the project when needed.”


Media contact:

Sarah Kucharski
Manager, Corporate Services & Communications
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(902) 541-1328

News release: New Parasport Equipment Coming to the Municipality

The Municipality is thrilled to announce we have received an Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Accessibility (EDIA) grant from Sport Nova Scotia in the amount of $45,548.79.

This funding is designed to help strengthen, sustain, grow, or improve unique community sport programs across Nova Scotia, especially traditionally underrepresented communities. MODL will be using the funding to purchase six wheelchairs to use for parasport programming, such as wheelchair basketball, as well as an enclosed trailer to transport and store equipment.

“This equipment will help us create affordable opportunities for persons with disabilities to access programming, feel a sense of belonging, and develop their skills,” says Mayor Carolyn Bolivar-Getson. “This programming will allow us to create awareness of parasport opportunities, showcase athletes in our community, and build strong partnerships with our community.”

“This grant is a major stepping stone towards expanding Parasport offerings in the South Shore region,” says Sport Nova Scotia’s, Zachary Dickson. “After a series of successful Wheelchair Basketball events through our Parasport Equipment Loan Program, I am excited for more permanent and sustainable programming to continue in MODL. This initiative will complement the strong Parasport programs already existing in the area, and further enable inclusive and accessible sport opportunities locally!”


Media contact:

Sarah Kucharski
Manager, Corporate Services & Communications
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(902) 541-1328

News release: Breath of Fresh Air: MODL’s New Anti-Idling Policy

The Municipality is taking steps to fight climate change by introducing an Anti-Idling Policy (MODL Policy 097). This policy is part of the Local Climate Change Action Plan 2030 (LCCAP2030). Specifically, Action 6 in the plan focuses on establishing rules to reduce unnecessary engine idling.

The new policy strongly encourages all drivers within the Municipality, including those in Idle-Free Zones, to limit idling of their vehicle.

The goal is to raise awareness about idling and emphasize the importance of turning off engines when not in use. Turning off vehicles has many benefits, such as reducing air pollution, promoting public health, and saving energy.

Over the next few months, high-traffic sites on municipal properties will be designated as Idle-Free Zones. An Idle-Free Zone Map, showcasing all designated areas, will be made available on for public reference and awareness.

“The anti-idling policy is a crucial step in our commitment to protecting the environment. By reducing unnecessary vehicle idling, we're not only conserving energy but also reducing harmful emissions that contribute to air pollution and climate change,” says Mayor Carolyn Bolivar-Getson. “It's a win-win for our community and the planet.”

Certain vehicles are exempt from idling limits, including those with accessibility features, emergency vehicles, utility trucks, maintenance vehicles, public transportation, and vehicles transporting perishable goods. Drivers can idle when needed for safety reasons, such as clearing ice and snow from the windshield for a clear view.


Media contact:

Sarah Kucharski
Manager, Corporate Services & Communications
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
(902) 541-1328

News release: New Adult Recreation Subsidy Program Launching in April

The Municipality of the District of Lunenburg is pleased to announce a new adult recreation subsidy policy, launching April 1, 2024. The Adult Subsidy Program (known as the PRO Fund) will help adults who would not be able to benefit from recreational, sport, or cultural activities due to lack of financial resources.

Funding can be used for an activity associated with a recreation, sport, or cultural program offered by recognized organizations or an individual. Registration fees will be given priority, and equipment, uniform costs, and travel may also be considered.

Grants and donations will be sought from individuals and organizations throughout the year to supplement municipal funding. Any person may apply on behalf of the individual participant; however, the participant must be over 19 years old and a resident of the Municipality of the District of Lunenburg.

“Reducing barriers to participation in active living and daily movement is an important part of creating healthy communities,” says Mayor Carolyn Bolivar-Getson. “Programs like the new PRO Fund improve access for low-income residents and help them increase their physical, social, mental, and emotional health.”

Residents will be able to apply for funding beginning April 1, 2024. More details and the application form will be available at in the coming weeks.


Media contact:

Sarah Kucharski
Manager, Corporate Services & Communications
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
(902) 541-1328

News release: Former Riverport School to Become Community Park

The Municipality of the District of Lunenburg is pleased to announce it has entered a five-year management agreement with the Riverport Community Centre. This agreement aims to transform the former Riverport School site into a community park for public use.

“We began talks with the community about a potential community park in 2023,” says Mayor Carolyn Bolivar-Getson. “The community groups in Riverport met to discuss about how to work better together and share resources. As a result of these discussions, the Riverport & District Community Park Association will exist under the umbrella of the Riverport Community Centre. Dedicated local volunteers have been instrumental in shaping the vision and ensuring the sustainability of this community park project. We eagerly anticipate the promising future of this revitalized former school site."

"Having this agreement, with MODL as a partner, is a great step towards our vision of a peaceful, accessible and fun green space for the community to enjoy," says Natalie O'Mara, Chair, Riverport Community Centre Park Committee.


Media contact:

Sarah Kucharski
Manager, Corporate Services & Communications
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
(902) 541-1328
