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January 25, 2021 / For Immediate Release

MUNICIPALITY OF THE DISTRICT OF LUNENBURG, NOVA SCOTIA – The Municipality of the District of Lunenburg announced today that it will contribute $176,305 to provide approximately 533 homes and businesses access to Bell Canada’s all-fibre network. This project, through the provincial Internet for Nova Scotia Initiative led by Develop Nova Scotia, will provide residents with download speeds of up to 1.5 Gigabits.

“Over the past year, the new projects announced by Develop Nova Scotia, with municipal financial contribution, will bring fibre based high-speed Internet to every district within the Municipality,” said Dave Waters, Director of Business Development, Tourism and Infrastructure. “I’m pleased that today’s announcement continues this work. We will also continue to work on connecting any remaining underserved residents through Develop Nova Scotia and alternative projects.”

There are 10 new projects for the Municipality:

  • Tancook Islands
  • Camperdown East
  • Crouses Settlement
  • Newcombville
  • Petite Riviere
  • Masons Beach
  • Blue Rocks
  • Clearland
  • Voglers/Broad Cove
  • Bayport/Kingsburg

“Improving high-speed Internet connectivity continues to be a high priority for this Council,” says Mayor Carolyn Bolivar-Getson. “Since 2016 we’ve increased high-speed Internet connections from approximately 60% to 72%. With today’s announcement by Develop Nova Scotia, we will increase our fibre footprint to over 98% by the end of 2023.” Access to connections will be ongoing up to and including this date.

The Municipality intends to keep working to connect residents not covered by these projects.


Media contact:

Dave Waters
Director of Business Development, Tourism and Infrastructure
Phone: 902-521-5945
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.