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News release: Municipality Passes 2022/23 Budget

May 10, 2022 / For Immediate Release

MUNICIPALITY OF THE DISTRICT OF LUNENBURG, NOVA SCOTIA – The Municipality of the District of Lunenburg approved the 2022/23 operating and capital budgets at a Special Meeting on Tuesday, May 10, 2022.

The Municipality approved its annual operating budget of $35,604,600 with a $11,700 surplus. The capital budget and gas tax investment totals $8,897,500. This budget continues the Municipality’s track record of strong financial management, while continuing to meet the needs of residents.

“Council has a 5-year financial strategy that guides all of our budgeting decisions. This has served MODL well; residential tax rates have not changed in 13 years while the commercial rate has remained constant for 10 years,” said Mayor Carolyn Bolivar-Getson. “This strategy allowed MODL to build its reserves and become debt-free while investing in important projects such as expanding access to high-speed Internet, the continuation of the LaHave Straight Pipe Replacement Program, and significant investments in improving roads and our open spaces. In order to remain debt-free, MODL will continue to build our reserves to ensure that capital funding is available for upcoming projects to address climate change, sustainability, and improvements and construction of infrastructure to be able to service new development in Osprey Village.”

Major Capital Investment Summary by Category

Climate Change Mitigation & Adaptation Projects   $575,000
 Paving Projects - Roads & Shoulders  $595,000
 Trail Development Projects  $625,400
 Corporate Infrastructure & Accessibility Projects  $900,000
 Economic Development Projects  $975,000
 Parks & Open Space Projects $974,000
 Water, Wastewater & Environmental Protection Projects  $4,253,100
 Total  $8,897,500

Read the Budget document and the Budget highlights at:


Media contact:

Elana Wentzell, CPA CMA
Director of Finance and Municipal Treasurer
Municipality of the District of Lunenburg
(902) 541-1322
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News release: Statement on the Non-Resident Tax

MUNICIPALITY OF THE DISTRICT OF LUNENBURG, NOVA SCOTIA – In session on April 26, 2022, Municipal Council discussed concerns related to the non-resident property tax contained in Bill 149 and its possible impact on the economy of rural Nova Scotia.

To voice its concerns regarding the non-resident property tax, Council passed a motion to write a letter to the NS Premier, Ministers of Finance and Treasury Board and Economic Development, with a copy to the local MLAs on the need to undertake a full analysis of the short- and long-term impacts of Bill 149, Financial Measures (2022) Act on both the supply and affordability of housing in Nova Scotia and on individuals, families, communities, businesses and the economy of MODL, rural areas and all of Nova Scotia.

“I am pleased that the Premier has taken our concerns, and the concerns of many other municipalities, individuals, communities and businesses, seriously, and has removed the proposed non-resident property tax completely for all non-residents who own residential property in Nova Scotia,” says Mayor Carolyn Bolivar-Getson.


Media contact:

Sarah Kucharski
Communications Officer
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(902) 541-1328


News release: Municipality Asks Residents to Pledge Not to Mow in May

MUNICIPALITY OF THE DISTRICT OF LUNENBURG, NOVA SCOTIA – Spring is in the air–are you ready to fire up the lawnmower? The Municipality of the District of Lunenburg (MODL) and the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) is hoping you’ll think twice about mowing your lawn this May.

According to the NCCC, No Mow May is a call to help wild pollinators and other wildlife in the greenspaces where we live. With habitat loss and degradation as the major cause of wildlife decline, the non-for-profit land conservation organization is suggesting that keeping your lawnmower in the shed for the month of May can benefit nature.

By letting flowers bloom on your lawn, including dandelions, you can provide an important source of nectar and pollen for wild bees, butterflies, and other pollinating insects.
Residents can register for No Mow May Challenge at for a chance to win a $100 gift card to The Village Nursery.

“In MODL, we will refrain from mowing a number of our parks, including Miller Point Peace Park, Church Lake Access Site, Indian Falls, Mushamush Beach Park, and Wile’s Lake Park,” says Mayor Carolyn Bolivar-Getson. “I hope residents will join us in this important initiative.”

MODL acknowledges residents may have concerns about ticks. Recent research has shown that mowing your lawn less often to provide native bees a better habitat won't lead to an increase in disease-carrying ticks. While blacklegged ticks can be found in some yards, blacklegged ticks need near 100% humidity for at least part of the day and prefer areas with significant leaf litter, not lawns.


Media contact:

Sarah Kucharski
Communications Officer
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(902) 541-1328


News release: Municipality Expands Property Tax Rebate for Low-Income Homeowners

March 24, 2022 / For Immediate Release

MUNICIPALITY OF THE DISTRICT OF LUNENBURG, NOVA SCOTIA – To help make life more affordable for low-income homeowners, the Municipality of the District of Lunenburg has expanded the Property Tax Rebate program.

The Property Tax Rebate Program is one of the ways that Council supports low-income homeowners by granting a property tax rebate based on household income. The amount received is dependent on the total household income. The previous policy allowed for a rebate of up to $500 for those households with incomes of less than $29,999.

The new policy permits a rebate of up to $530 for those households with incomes of less than $38,000. The number of categories has also been reduced from five to three, ensuring the majority of low-income homeowners now qualify for the highest rebate category.

“We recognize that this is a very difficult environment for low-income property owners,” says Mayor Carolyn Bolivar-Getson. “The Property Tax Exemption is one of the many ways the Municipality supports our residents facing financial hardship.”

Qualified applicants will see the exemption on your final property tax bill for the year. Applicants need to apply every year. Proof of income has been added as a requirement going forward.

Updated application forms will be available at by April 15. Applications are due by August 1; however, the Municipality will accept applications all year if funding permits.

Media contact:

Sarah Kucharski
Communications Officer
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(902) 541-1328

News release: Municipality Awards Fourth Round of Emergency Assistance Funding

MUNICIPALITY OF THE DISTRICT OF LUNENBURG, NOVA SCOTIA – The Municipality of the District of Lunenburg has awarded a fourth round of funding support for not-for-profit organizations that operate community facilities impacted by COVID-19 cancellations.

The Municipality established an Emergency Assistance Fund for Community Facilities to assist local groups and organizations in addressing the financial hardship caused by the inability to host planned fundraising events and activities during the Covid-19 crisis.

Applicants could apply for emergency assistance for fundraising events and activities that were scheduled to take place during the Application Period of October 1, 2021 to March 31, 2022, but had to be cancelled because of the Covid-19 restrictions.

In this fourth round, Council awarded the Emergency Assistance Fund for Community Facilities to 55 organizations for a total amount of $117,414.

“We continue to see hardship for these important community organizations,” says Mayor Carolyn Bolivar-Getson. “Since introducing this program, the Municipality has donated a total of $439,820 to our community organizations that operate community facilities. We hope this emergency funding will help these organizations as we begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel.”


Media contact:

Sarah Kucharski
Communications Officer
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(902) 541-1328


News release: Municipality Adds Electric Vehicles to Fleet

MUNICIPALITY OF THE DISTRICT OF LUNENBURG, NOVA SCOTIA – The Municipality of the District (MODL) is pleased to announce that it has purchased its first two electric vehicles. MODL declared a climate emergency in October 2019 and pledged to fight climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions from municipal operations by 40% below 2019 levels by 2030.

As part of this commitment, MODL has replaced two aging gasoline vehicles from its municipal fleet with electric vehicles. The first vehicle is a used 2021 Ford Mach-e, which was purchased locally at a cost of $69,002.94. The second vehicle is a new 2022 Volvo XC-40, purchased from a dealer in Halifax at a cost of $79,689.50. The Municipality expects to slowly replace gas powered municipal vehicles with electric vehicles over the next few years. These vehicles are predominately used by staff for park and trail maintenance, as well as fire and building inspections.

Electric vehicles provide many benefits, which include:

  • Savings on fuel costs, as the cost of electricity is much lower than the cost of gas. MODL expects to save approximately $4,200 annually on fuel costs by switching two vehicles from gas to electric.
  • Savings on maintenance costs, as electric vehicles have fewer parts to service and there is no need for spark plugs or oil changes with electric vehicles.
  • Driving more efficiently because of regenerative braking. Electric vehicles generate energy when slowing down in comparison to regular gasoline vehicles that waste energy while slowing down.
  • Reducing greenhouse gas emissions and creating a healthier environment for everyone in our community by releasing zero tailpipe emissions into the air that we all breathe

“Transitioning to electric vehicles is an important part of meeting our municipal goals on climate change,” says Mayor Carolyn Bolivar-Getson. “Switching from gasoline vehicles to electric vehicles is a big leap, and MODL is leading the charge.”


Media contact:

Sarah Kucharski
Communications Officer
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(902) 541-1328


News release: Municipality Opens Fourth Round of Emergency Assistance Funding for Non-for-Profits; Keeps User Fees Unchanged

MUNICIPALITY OF THE DISTRICT OF LUNENBURG, NOVA SCOTIA – At the February 8, 2022, Council meeting, Council passed two motions designed to alleviate community financial burdens.

Council approved a fourth round of funding support for not-for-profit organizations that operate community facilities impacted by COVID-19 cancellations.
Applicants can apply for emergency assistance for fundraising events and activities that were scheduled to take place October 1, 2021, to March 31, 2022, but that had to be cancelled because of the Covid-19 restrictions. This includes annual and weekly events that had previously been but were cancelled or have not been planned because of the Covid-related public health restrictions. The Application Deadline is 4:30 pm on Tuesday, March 1, 2022. All applications must be received at the Municipal Office before the Application Deadline. For guidelines and an application form, please visit

Council also reviewed the Fees Policy, which is intended to be updated every three years with fee increases that reflect the 3-year cumulative Consumer Price Index (CPI). While the Nova Scotia 3-year CPI is 6.0%, Council decided to not to raise the current fees. These are user fees for things such as development permits, ballfield rentals, NSF cheque fees, and tax certificates.

“We know that Covid restrictions continue to create significant financial challenges for our residents, businesses, and community organizations,” says Mayor Carolyn Bolivar-Getson. “By keeping fees the same, we acknowledge that even small increases can have a large impact on a household or business budget. On a larger scale, since introducing the emergency funding for community organizations program, MODL has donated a total of $322,406 to our community organizations that operate community facilities.


Media contact:

Sarah Kucharski
Communications Officer
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
(902) 541-1328

News release: MODL Launches Interactive Road Plowing and Maintenance Map

MUNICIPALITY OF THE DISTRICT OF LUNENBURG, NOVA SCOTIA – The Municipality of the District of Lunenburg (MODL) has launched an interactive winter maintenance and repair road map to help residents direct concerns or questions about road plowing, repair, or maintenance to the correct agency.

“While the majority of public roads in the Municipality are owned and maintained by the Province of Nova Scotia, roads continue to be a major priority in our Municipality. We know that well maintained, good quality roads are essential for our communities,” says Mayor Carolyn Bolivar-Getson. “We understand that residents are sometimes frustrated by road conditions, especially after storms. To alleviate confusion, we’ve created a user-friendly tool to help residents understand where they can report road issues.”

Using the new interactive map, users can search by address or by zooming in on the map. Once they have selected a road, a pop-up window will show contact information for the agency responsible for plowing, repairing, or maintaining the road.

To access the online map, visit


Media contact:

Sarah Kucharski
Manager, Corporate Services & Communications
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(902) 541-1328

News release: MODL Invites Residents to Attend a Virtual Public Meeting on Climate Change Action Plan

MUNICIPALITY OF THE DISTRICT OF LUNENBURG, NOVA SCOTIA – The climate of the Municipality of the District of Lunenburg (MODL) is changing and the need to respond to climate change is urgent. MODL is developing a Local Climate Change Action Plan to reduce our use of fossil fuels and associated greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, as well as prepare the municipality for the impacts of a changing climate.

The 10-year Plan is being built around a central vision that MODL will be a low carbon community, with the long-term goal of becoming a sustainable, climate-resilient, and net-zero community. The draft Plan has identified 9 Main Categories and proposed several key action items that will be delivered over the next 10 years. MODL is holding two virtual Public Information Sessions in February and invites residents to attend to learn more and provide their feedback.

“This will be a community plan and we want to hear from residents, farmers, local businesses, community groups and youth on how we can address climate change, and ensure MODL continues to be a great place to live,” says Mayor Carolyn Bolivar-Getson. “We’re hosting two virtual public engagement sessions that will feature an overview of the project followed by a public Q&A with the project team. The feedback received from the public as well as various stakeholders during these virtual engagement sessions will help guide the plan development.”

Virtual engagement sessions will be hosted via Microsoft Teams on the following dates:

February 9, 2022, 11am-12pm (AST)

February 10, 2022, 7pm-8pm (AST)

Registration is required–visit to register.


Media contact:

Sarah Kucharski, Manager, Corporate Services & Communications
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
(902) 541-1328

News release: MODL Invites Residents to Attend a Virtual Public Meeting on Osprey Village Development

MUNICIPALITY OF THE DISTRICT OF LUNENBURG, NOVA SCOTIA – We’re growing! Osprey Village will be home to at least 926 residents in the next five years. The Municipality of the District of Lunenburg (MODL) expects it to become one of the largest communities in MODL.

MODL is holding a virtual Public Information Session on By-law 020E (Osprey Village Plan Review 2022) on Thursday, February 3 at 6:30 p.m. on their Facebook Page, and invites residents to attend.

“We know residents are very concerned about housing affordable on the South Shore,” says Mayor Carolyn Bolivar-Getson. “Council is conducting a plan review for Osprey Village Planning Area to accommodate the recent demand for high-density development. This review intends to promote affordable and attainable housing, as well as to foster economic development in Osprey Village by Exit 12. We hope residents will attend this virtual public information session on February 3 to learn more and add their comments.”

Residents are invited to participate in the Public Information Session by:

(a) joining us online on February 3 at 6:30 p.m. on
(b) writing a comment on a Facebook post;
(c) sending an e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;
(d) sending a letter at 10 Allée Champlain Drive, Cookville, NS, B4V 9E4.

To learn more, visit


Media contact:

Sarah Kucharski
Manager, Corporate Services & Communications
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
(902) 541-1328
