As part of our continuing efforts to improve our parks, in the summer/fall 2023, we conducted safety inspections at 6 locations. The inspection report identified risks and areas of concern that required varying levels of action. While many issues were mitigated through small repairs or changes to our maintenance program; some identified concerns required more significant measures to be taken.
The inspection of the MARC playground structure revealed a number of safety issues including: frost heaving of the play equipment creating an 18” to 24” gap between the surface and bottom of the ladder and 3 slides, also exposing the concrete pilings; and, delaminating of surface material exposing metal and sharp edges.
Given the safety concerns and, on the advice of our insurance provider, it was determined that the playground structure was not safe for users, had reached the end of its useful life and removal was required. The playground structure was removed in the fall of 2023.
The future replacement of the MARC playground structure will meet the requirements outlined in the Lunenburg County Accessibility Plan to ensure that we provide meaningful and equitable access for playground users with disabilities.
While the 2024-2025 Capital Budget does not include the replacement of the MARC playground structure, an accessible playground at the MARC is included in our 5 Year Capital Plan at estimated cost of approximately $400,000.
We will be installing a play box with equipment for children to use while at the MARC in the next few weeks.
We appreciate your patience as we continue to improve our recreation infrastructure across the Municipality.