The District of Lunenburg continues its commitment to responsible site management with progress on the demolition, removal, and remediation at the former Centre Consolidated School property. The District is obligated to conduct a Phase III ESA in order to further delineate the areas of site contamination and necessary steps to take in order to achieve regulatory closure.
At the December 10 meeting, Council authorizd staff to award the Phase III Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) for the former Centre Consolidated School and Sewage Treatment Plant to Strum Consulting Ltd. in the amount of $37,494, including a 20% contingency and net HST. The assessment is expected to take approximately six weeks and will include a class D estimate for the expected cost in time for the 2025/2026 Capital Budgeting process.
“Although the District has pursued the sale of the Centre School property for many years, these efforts have not been successful,” said Mayor Elspeth McLean-Wile. “By moving forward with the Phase III ESA, we are taking necessary steps to remediate the site and position it for future opportunities that benefit our community.”
Media contact:
Sarah Kucharski
Manager, Corporate Services & Communications
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(902) 541-1328